Try a new anime!
Everyone in the club will write down one anime they'd like to recommend to someone to try, and we'll gather all the ballots in a hat.
Each person will pick one ballot, and they are to watch three episodes (three episodes is not that bad) of the anime picked from the hat. This is all random, so we won't know who gets your recommendation!
The person will then report back next week and give us a brief summary of the anime they watched.
This is a great opportunity for members to share different genres of anime to others, as well as expanding your knowledge of different anime.
There are no limits on what anime you can recommend! But just make sure you tell the person that it contains explicit content (if any) and if they consent to it.
It'd be great to recommend something very original, or unique!
Expand your horizons~
Tuesday, April 17, 2012 |